Agriculture Reference
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Scientific Committee for Human Nutrition. If there is still disagreement,
then a decision needs to be taken by the European Council of Ministers
(see Chapter 3).
After the Netherlands implemented the European Directive of 1990
(EC 90/218), Dutch farmers began to growGMplants in small to medium
sized trials. In contrast, farmers in the United States and several non-
EU nations had started cultivating and commercializing GM crops on
a larger, industrial scale. Nevertheless, NGOs and environmentalists
actively opposed how the EU addressed GM risks. Some of their con-
cerns, such as the societal desirability of GM plants, did not factor into
the Dutch approach to risk assessment at all. Moreover, many consumer
groups wanted a more absolutist approach to safety regulation, in which
decision makers would ensure that GM foods are 100 percent safe before
approving commercialization.
A risk analysis has to provide information regarding the extent and
nature of the risks to humans, animals, and the environment. To this
end, the Dutch Decree on Genetically Modified Organisms intends that
risks be calculated and quantified, but this approach has not been imple-
mented when, as frequently happens, there is a lack of quantitative
data. 13 If the likelihood of an undesirable event cannot be estimated
or no conclusive scientific evidence is available, the analysis should be
based on a worst-case scenario, in line with the precautionary princi-
ple. Also, it should be noted that even conventional crops may be found
unsuitable for human consumption, as in cases where farmers acciden-
tally reintroduced high levels of poisonous substances through conven-
tional breeding techniques, such as, solanine in potatoes, cucurbitacin in
squash/zuchini, and furanocoumarin in celery. 14 The Netherlands does
not and could not provide a 100 percent safety guarantee for conven-
tional crops or GM crop plants.
13 Environmentally Hazardous Substances Act: Decree on Genetically Modified Organ-
isms (GMODecree 1990), 1993, Staatsblad 435 (NL); Genetically Modified Organisms
Regulations (GMO Regulations), 1993, Staatscourant 107 (NL).
14 F. Cellini et al., Unintended Effects and their Detection in Genetically Modified Crops,
42 Food and Chemical Toxicology 1089-1125 (2004).
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