Biomedical Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 1.18 Human cell: microtubules in green, chromosomes (DNA) in
blue and kinetochores in pink. (Credit: Wikimedia.)
rule in the developed world. Using statistics from Thailand fertility
was found lower among women participating in industry than
those in agriculture; numbers of pregnancies and births were also
lower among industrial workers. Reasons behind such differences
are unknown though chemical and technological causes have been
considered. It is known industrial and medical technologies using
EM heat production increase the risk of spontaneous abortions
world is contrasted by overpopulated, undeveloped regions at risk
of famine and disease. An ethically acceptable and reliable method
to manage population dynamics is a much desired outcome of EMF
SFT is less than a decade old in its modern form. It extends our
applies from below the photon to the size of the cosmos. SFT shows
physics, biology and the field are all fractal. Particle physics has
to date been predicated on the basis of 'elemental' particles, yet it
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