Biomedical Engineering Reference
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SFT reveals the presence of two previously unknown quantum
numbers associated with the photon in its role as the bond within
atoms and molecules. These two extra numbers arise as either
discrete numbers of photon collisions within atoms or discrete
interactions not previously available or known within quantum
theory with its HUP and incomplete photon. This collision-based
model agrees with classical gas models, providing continuity with
the probabilisticstudies of Boltzmann and Maxwell.
SFT also sees inside the photon its intrinsic structure. The
organisation of the photon into an internal structure is as its
extrinsic behaviour also termed photon chemistry . Thus photon
chemistry is a generalised terminology having wider application
than just atomic and molecular EMFs; it also applies to the other
various fields in regions where the strong and weak nuclear forces
known atomic chemistry that has evolved over the past 150 years
since Mendeleev arranged the elements into a two-dimensional
array known as the periodic table. Quantum theory extended this to
a four-dimensional array of quantum numbers l , m , n and s relating
to the discrete motions of the electrons and protons inside atoms.
As well as the photon having a spin similar to the electron, families
of photon compounds correlate with the various field particles
(bosons) known to particle physics. It may well be that intelligence,
memory and other cognitiveabilitiesare biophotonicin nature.
Photon chemistry thus covers a very wide area of physics and
biophysics like its two forebears, atomic chemistry and atomic
biochemistry. Photon chemistry is indeed a fractal-like image of
atomic chemistry. Science has chased the big end of the mass
productive to also search the low end of the mass spectrum. There
are thus six degrees of freedom associated with EMFs within and
of snowflakes, avalanches, magnetic flips of the earth and the
sun, the cell cycle and possibly a wide range of physiological and
sitat the sunrise ofa new powerful knowledge.
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