Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Figure 6.1 'Prognostic' orientation of longitudinal nuclear axes in a
selachian neural plate. (Top) The prediction based on theory as to where
the surface of the neural plate will move morphogenetically is represented
by the line cbac, the contour of the line being based on the lines drawn
perpendicular to the surface of the neural plate through the long axis of
representative nuclei in corresponding mirror-image sides of the neural
plate. Exactly this line will be reached in about 1 h of further development.
(Bottom) Predicted surface of the neural plate at a somewhat later stage of
selachian neural tube formation. (Credit: Beloussov L.V., Life of Alexander
G. Gurwitsch and his relevant contribution to the theory of morphogenetic
fields, Int.J.Dev. Biol ., 41 :771-779,1997.)
observed a link between division frequency and the surface areas
of cells. This provides a connection to the possible SFT mechanism
at metaphase involving biophotonic emissions from the chromatids
being pulled apart as part of the cell cycle. Royal Raymond Rife
initially invented what he called a dark-field microscope, and the
a long way from being understood. There are interesting synergies
between the work and travels of Gurwitsch from Poltava in the
Ukraine and Rife from an ethnically German region of Nebraska
in the U.S.; both travelled and worked abroad extensively, visiting
Germany prior to the end of World War I (WWI). The application
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