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Figure 3.1 SFT model of the gravitational structure of the universe.
up via our galaxy. The model is a combination of particle physics,
by SFT, each a balance between matter and fields of different types.
The four levels depicted are 'Universe', 'Supercluster', 'Galaxy' and
'Solar System'. Each field of higher, smaller energy in the fractal
sequence is a type of integral of a larger but lower energy field in
which it is imbedded. Each mass in a lower domain is a differential
form of a mass of a higher domain. These differentials and integrals
are linked to the analytic forms of the SFT spinors. Thus stronger
but smaller domains and weaker but larger domains of forces act
across the universe. Alternating positive and negative collations
of energy (black and white holes) move near the centres at each
domain. Conservation of energy means the universe has a zero sum
total energy (creation ex nihilo). This relates to the negative spin of
conservation is also fractal ranging from the universe, to particles
and to fields. All matter receives and emits field quanta. There is a
link between the number of rotations and the type of gravitation.
kernelmathematicsfortheunificationofphysics,a' standardmodel '
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