Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Figure 2.3 AccordingtoSFT,lightning,windandthunderareformsofelec-
tric, magnetic and acoustic energy ( source :
2.4 Connectivity and Biophotons
The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) paradox lies at the heart of
the way SFT sees physics and biophysics. Einstein co-authored a
paper on the paradox that challenged quantum theory he saw as
incomplete. Quantum entanglement is now understood as the way
in which parts of a quantum mechanical system are connected.
The quantum states of the constituent parts are linked; one part
cannot be properly described without mention of all other parts
within the system. Einstein referred to this as 'spooky action at a
distance'. SFT too sees quantum theory as incomplete. SFT suggests
a missing coordinate within the photon that is the underlying
reason for HUP and its lack of knowledge concerning photons. Like
entanglement SFT suggests that photons link all atoms together as
in a crystal lattice. In solid crystals according to SFT the atoms
rotate in synchronised fashion. Photon interactions apply between
virtually all atoms within the universe in which dipole-dipole EM
interatomic forces exist as streams of photons between masses.
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is an example of a liquid crystal
capable of 'stiffening' as the biophotonic states change within the
cell cycle. Biophotons link to objects around a biological system.
This includes the biological ability of optical sight but can include
other biophotons within the complete body field. Biophotons are
found in specialised physiological tissues, including elasmobranch
fish, whichusejelly-filled canalscalled theampullae ofLorenzinion
the lower peripheries of their fins for predation. As well as being
absorbed, biophotonsare emitted by biologicalsystems.
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