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My Norwegian uncle Thor gave me a similarly powerful experience in Oslo.
Gazing at mosaic murals in the Oslo City Hall that celebrate the heroics of locals
who stood strong against German occupation, Thor told me stories of growing up
in a Nazi-ruled Norway. He woke up one morning to find his beloved royal family
in exile and German soldiers on every corner. Norway's resistance fighters took to
the snowy mountains, coordinating with brave townspeople smuggling children to
safety. Even with the vastly stronger occupying force, Thor told how his country's
national spirit remained strong until that glorious day when the king returned and
Norwegian flags flew happily again. As Thor brought the mural to life, I wondered
what I would do to win back a freedom lost.
In Northern Ireland, my guide Stephen was determined to make his country's
struggles vivid. In Belfast, he introduced me to the Felons' Club—where member-
ship is limited to those who've spent at least a year and a day in a British prison for
political crimes. Hearing heroic stories of Irish resistance while sharing a Guinness
with a celebrity felon gives you an affinity for their struggles. Walking the next day
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