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Namibian Christian would likely flip-flop those priorities. As for the Biblical Jubilee Year
concept (where God—in the topic of Leviticus—calls for the forgiveness of debts and the
redistribution of land every fifty years), rich Christians assume God must have been kid-
Travel where few Americans venture… and locals find you exotic, too.
Travel beyond the Christian world offers us invaluable opportunities to be exposed to
other, sometimes uncomfortable, perspectives. As an American who understands that we
have a solemn commitment to protect Israel's security, I am unlikely to be able to sym-
pathize with the Palestinian perspective…unless I see the issue from outside my home
culture. And the best way to do that, clearly, is to actually visit Palestine and talk to locals
there. That's why I traveled as much in Palestine as in Israel during my recent visit to the
Holy Land. Now I understand things better—such as how Israeli settlements in the West
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