Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
In the 21st century, “St. James the Moor-Slayer” still gets a place of honor in many
Spanish churches.
News in modern times is history in the making, and travelers can actually be eyewit-
nesses to history as it unfolds. I was in Berlin in 1999, just as their renovated parliament
building re-opened to the public. For a generation, this historic Reichstag building—upon
whose rooftop some of the last fighting of World War II occurred—was a bombed-out and
blackened hulk, overlooking the no-man's-land between East and West Berlin. After uni-
fication, Germany's government returned from Bonn to Berlin. And, in good European
style, the Germans didn't bulldoze their historic capitol building. Instead, recognizing the
building's cultural roots, they renovated it—incorporating modern architectural design,
and capping it with a glorious glass dome.
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