Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Beautifully unique to Niger are vibrant kountas (Djerma blankets) , produced from
bright cotton strips.
Food & Drink
Dates, yoghurt, rice and mutton are standard Tuareg fare, while riz sauce (rice with sauce)
is omnipresent in Niger's south. Standard restaurant dishes include grilled fish (particu-
larly capitaine, or Nile perch), chicken, and beef brochettes (kebabs). Couscous and rag-
out are also popular. Outside Niamey vegetarian options diminish.
Sitting for a cup of Tuareg tea is rewarding and thirst-quenching. For a wobble in your
step, try Bière Niger. For a serious stagger , down some palm wine.
Three-quarters of Niger is desert, with the Sahara advancing 10km a year. The remaining
quarter is Sahel, the semidesert zone south of the Sahara. Notable features include the Ni-
ger River (Africa's third-longest), which flows 300km through Niger's southwest; the Aïr
Mountains, the dark volcanic formations of which rise over 2000m; and the Ténéré
Desert's spectacularly sweeping sand dunes.
Desertification, Niger's greatest environmental problem, is primarily caused by over-
grazing and deforestation. Quartz-rich soil also prevents topsoil from anchoring, causing
The southwest's dry savannah woodland hosts one of West Africa's better wildlife
parks, Parc Regional du W.
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