Travel Reference
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( 086-668 332; Cassava Beach; canvas/wooden bungalows for 2 from US$60/110; ) Robertsport's
original ecolodge, Nana's has 11 bungalows overlooking the beach. The wooden huts are
pricier than the canvas ones, but both styles of accommodation come with two comfort-
able double beds, fans and balconies. The sandy cantina down on the beach is a top sunset
Liberia's second port hosts wild, beautiful beaches that are perfect for camping, plus an an-
nual dumboy festival in January: two good reasons to make it here. You can sleep at the
clean, reasonably comfortable Teepro Lodge ( 0880-961 568; Roberts St; r with net & fan US$25) ,
next to the Buchanan Renewables site. The owners can advise on beach camping - it's ad-
visable to hire an overnight security guard and watch the strong currents if you swim. In
town, Black and White is a nightclub that also serves food, and there are beach bars along the
coastal strip.
Bush taxis ply the route from Monrovia (L$350, three hours) or you can charter a car
(US$100 one way) or a 4WD (US$150 plus petrol per day) for the 125km to Buchanan,
which is mostly paved.
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