Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Rabies is spread by receiving the bites or licks of an infected animal on broken skin. It's fatal once the clinical symp-
toms start (which might be up to several months after the injury), so post-bite vaccination should be given as soon as
possible. Post-bite vaccination (whether or not you've been vaccinated before the bite) prevents the virus from spread-
ing to the central nervous system. Animal handlers should be vaccinated, as should those travelling to remote areas
where a source of post-bite vaccine is not available within 24 hours. Three preventative injections are needed in a
month. If you have not been vaccinated you will need a course of five injections starting within 24 hours or as soon as
possible after the injury. If you have been vaccinated, you will need fewer post-bite injections and will have more time
to seek medical aid.
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