Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Management system
The management structure for the Baja California lobster fishery is based on the
fishing law, a Federal Mexico law, which considers all the aquatic resources includ-
ing several other species of spiny lobster along the Mexican Pacific and Atlantic
coasts. The Ministry of SAGARPA (Secretarıa de Agricultura, Ganaderıa, Desar-
rollo Rural, Pesca y Alimentaci on), through the National Fisheries and Aquaculture
Commission (CONAPESCA), is responsible for the management of fisheries in the
whole of Mexico. SAGARPA considers the scientific advice from the National In-
stitute of Fisheries (Instituto Nacional de la Pesca - INP) based on the information
generated by the different regional centres in the country. The decision-making
office (CONAPESCA) is in charge of issuing policies, permits, management reg-
ulations and the enforcement of rules. The management of fishing resources is
also considered within the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Program for the pe-
riod 2000-2006, in which the main objective is the sustainable management of all
the resources being exploited within the Mexican Exclusive Economic Zone and
for aquaculture. Following the policies of the National Fisheries and Aquaculture
Program, there is a norms committee for the elaboration and changes in the man-
agement regulations. There is also a fisheries committee at state level where all
fishing issues are treated and recommendations are presented to the corresponding
authorities of CONAPESCA.
The management of the different spiny lobster fisheries exploited in Mexican
waters is regulated by decree in the Mexican Official Norm (NOM-006-PESC-
1993). This encompasses the management regulations for the species in the Mexican
Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico and those in the Baja California Peninsula as well
as in the Gulf of California.
The Baja California lobster fishery does not have a separate formal management
plan, but it is specifically included in the overall plan for all Mexican resources.
Management involves a combination of limited entry, strict delineation of coop-
erative's exclusive fishing areas and community-based self-regulatory measures.
Regulatory measures in place include area closures, minimum legal size, fishing
gear restriction and protection of gravid female lobsters.
It should be noted that the fisheries in this area are part of a co-management system
of collaboration of the organisation of the cooperatives, the FEDECOOP, and the
management, enforcement agencies and the fishers. The presence of CONAPESCA
officials is very limited on this isolated coastline. In fact, it is only due to local
surveillance by the cooperatives (paid for with their own funds) on a permanent
basis during all the days/nights of the year that illegal fishing of the resources of
the area is controlled (Agnew et al . 2006). Abalone grounds in the lobster fishing
areas are very attractive for poachers. In addition, the strong internal regulations and
control that cooperatives have over their members ensures that rules are respected
and these internal regulations can exceed the government restrictions on the fishery.
For example, all cooperatives use less than the authorised number of boats and traps
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