Environmental Engineering Reference
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enable source countries to take responsibility for implementing or aug-
menting monitoring programmes;
minimise dependence on outside expertise and support;
prescribe simple and cost-effective sampling programmes that could be
implemented on a long-term scale.
Box 8.2 Management and Operational Best Practices for LRFFT-Related
Aquaculture and Mariculture Activities Workshop
This workshop produced a number of outcomes and recommendations in re-
lation to Part 2 of the Standard; the Aquaculture of Live Reef Food Fish
merging of the previously discrete aquaculture and mariculture components
within the Standard in recognition of the wide spectrum of reef aquaculture
practices, and the close relationship between aquaculture and wild fisheries
with respect to harvesting of fish seed and juveniles for grow-out and har-
vesting of wild-caught fresh fish for fish feed;
expanding the number of requirements to 11 principles that addressed the
key issues and that had broad industry and research acceptance as 'best'
or 'better' practices given the current state of knowledge (this number was
subsequently increased to 12 principles);
recognition that while industry receptiveness and acceptance of the 'trace-
ability' of cultured fish would be vital to its inclusion in the Standard, industry
feedback suggested it was of a low priority;
recommendation that workshops involving local farmers and other stakehold-
ers be held in 2-3 selected countries to enable the field testing and further
development of aquaculture standards to engender ownership of the stan-
dards among industry stakeholders and to ensure a practical approach to
their implementation.
External review of standards
In addition to the incorporating outcomes from the two strategic technical work-
shops, an Expert Review Group was formed to undertake a detailed review and
commentary on the Standard. The expert group comprised individuals who had
been receptive to the project goals and objectives, were knowledgeable on various
aspects of the LRFFT and had some experience of fishery standards. This group
was tasked with reviewing the complete first draft of the Standard prior to wider
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