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recently adapted the OSU impactor to accommodate the much
smaller body of the mouse, which will allow for the evaluation
of contusion injuries in transgenic animals. However, no supe-
riority of one over the other was determined.
7. Clip Compression : Apart from models using impactors, this
model simulates continuous cord compression secondary to
residual spinal column displacement ( 29 ). As in weight-drop
models, different severities of spinal cord injury can be created
by adjustment of the closing force of the clip, the duration of
compression, or both. With a greater closing force, fewer axons
are spared at the injury site, which in turn relates to a poorer
functional recovery after injury. In clip compression model rats
subjected to a 53 × g closing force for 1 min (considered a
“severe” injury) recovers to a BBB score of approximately 8.5
by 6 weeks after injury ( 7, 30 ). The clip compression model has
provided a very valuable setting in which study acute pathophys-
iology after cord injury ( 31, 32 ) the timing of decompression
( 33 ), and potential therapies such as electrical stimulation ( 34 )
and neuroprotective agents ( 35-37 ). However, the current
contusion and compression models inherently fail to simulate
the complex biomechanical stresses of distraction, compres-
sion, bending, and shear to which the human spinal cord is
subjected during trauma.
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