Biology Reference
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animal models are expected to be similar to human injury when
clinically relevant biomechanical loading parameters are applied in
a scale-appropriate manner . However, it is important to note that
different injury paradigms address different questions, and thus
each carry their own advantages and disadvantages. Sharp transec-
tion models provide valuable information about the regeneration
of specific axonal tracts ( 6 ) that often is difficult to obtain from
contusion models, in which many axons are invariably spared. On
the other hand, contusion models are more realistic and allow the
investigators to evaluate neuroprotective interventions during
acute pathophysiologic processes and axonal regeneration
approaches within a more representative neuropathologic milieu
after injury ( 7 ).
1. Anesthesia chamber: a fiber glass box with a lid and an inlet for
anesthesia gases at one end and outlet at another end for scav-
enging anesthesia gases.
2. Ventilator: Rats—e.g., SAR 830 P ventilator, Life Science instru-
ments, USA.
Mice—e.g., Mini-Vent Type 845 , Hugo Sachs Elektronik,
March-Hugstetten, Germany.
3. Anesthesia gases: Isoflurane and Oxygen (from O 2 cylinder or
central supply).
4. Isoflurane vaporizer.
5. Infusion fluids: saline.
The following sets of instruments are required for laminectomy
and spinal cord injury induction.
1. Surgical instruments: scalpel handle, scalpel blades, jeweler's
forceps, needle holders, Adson's tissue forceps, bone rongeurs
(Friedman bone rongeurs, curved).
2. Sterile cotton tip applicators and sterile sponges (or can be
sterilized along with the instruments in the autoclave).
3. Sterilization equipment: autoclave.
4. Suture materials: Nonabsorbable monofilament suture mate-
rial like Nylon (Ethilon) is used for skin closure ( 4 - 0 for rats
and 5 - 0 for mice).
5. Material to control bleeding during craniectomy: Gelfoam
(dental packs, absorbable gelatin sponge, size 4 ), bone wax
6. Magnifying instruments: dissecting microscope.
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