Agriculture Reference
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Why does the transition zone exist? Why do root apices need a zone
interpolated between the apical meristem and the elongation region which
is almost the same size as the meristem? Root apices drive an exploratory
mode of root growth in which the search is for oxygen, water, and ions to
feed the whole plant body. This is not an easy task, and root apices have two
zones which, in a coordinate fashion, allow them to perform rapid turnings.
critical for the exploratory nature of root apices. Burst-like onset of rapid
cell elongation, which can happen independently on the opposite root sides,
allows instant turning of root apices (for graviresponse see Baluška et al.
1996). The second zone is the elongation region in which cell elongation can
be slowed down differentially on the opposite root sides, thereby resulting
in rapid turning of whole root apices (Massa and Gilroy 2003). In contrast,
shoot apices lack clearly defined meristematic, transition, and elongation
zones, and cannot perform such dynamic tropisms. Similarly, they lack
regular cell files (Fig. 2.1) and presumably also very active synapses. Shoot
apices cannot switch on differential rapid cell elongation, as root apices
at the basal border of their transition zone, and the only mechanism is
to change the growth rate of the cells. These so-called shade-avoidance
shoot movements are much slower when compared with dynamic root
Root apices are covered with a root cap (Barlow 2003) which protects
the apex and also has numerous sensory abilities. It is a unique structure
and is not present at the shoot apex. All this allows growing root apices to
screen numerous environmental parameters, to process this information,
and to change the growth direction accordingly. As a result, roots behave
almost like more active animals, performing very efficient exploratory
movements in their search for oxygen, water, and ions. Enclosed by the
root cap is the quiescent centre, which represents the major catabolic sink
for auxin (Jiang and Feldman 2002, 2005), and the apical portion of the root
meristem, which is followed by the sensory transition zone (Baluška et al.
2001c). Furthermore, the distal portion of the transition zone represents the
major sink both for exogenously applied auxin (Mancuso et al. 2005) and
for oxygen while emitting large amounts of nitric oxide (Mancuso, Mugnai,
Volkmann, Baluška, unpublished data). This anatomically distinct group
of cells is unique in that it shows rhythmic patterns of ion fluxes and in this
respect behaves as a brain-like organ (Baluška et al. 2004b).
Each root apex is proposed to harbour brain-like units of the nervous
system of plants. The number of root apices in the plant body is high, and all
'brain units' are interconnected via vascular strands (plant neurons) with
their polarly-transported auxin (plant neurotransmitter), to form a serial
(parallel) neuronal system of plants. From observation of the plant body
of maize, it is obvious that the number of root apices is extremely high,
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