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Shaking the XML Tree
Parsing well-formed and valid XML should be less convoluted than parsing the sheriff's
HTML. An XML parsing package is available for R; here's how to install it from CRAN's
> install.packages("XML")
> library("XML")
If you are behind a firewall or proxy and getting errors:
On Unix, set your http_proxyenvironment variable.
On Windows, try the custom install R wizard with the “internet2” option instead of “standard”.
You can find additional information at
Internet-download-functions-fail_00 .
Our goal is to extract values contained within the <Latitude> and <Longitude> leaf nodes.
These nodes live within the <Result> node, which lives inside a <ResultSet> node, which
itself lies inside the root node.
To find an appropriate library for getting these values, call library(help=XML) . This func-
tion lists the functions in the XML package.
> library(help=XML) #hit space to scroll, q to exit
> ?xmlTreeParse
You'll see that the function xmlTreeParse will accept an XML file or URL and return an R
structure. After inserting your Yahoo App ID, paste in this block:
> library(XML)
> appid<-' <put your appid here> '
> street<-"1 South Broad Street"
> requestUrl<-paste(
> xmlResult<-xmlTreeParse(requestUrl,isURL=TRUE)
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