Environmental Engineering Reference
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Π: auxiliary matrix in the expression of X
τ: time lag for autocovariance definition
: white noise
Ω: matrix for the extraction of the feed stream flowrates from the plant stream
: generic name for driving white noise
Acknowledgements This chapter is based on studies which have been undertaken by students
and on ideas discussed with colleagues. The list is long but their names deserve to be given: Nicole
Alliot, Gilles Barbery, Claude Bazin, Steve Bellec, Antoine Berton, Yves Berube, Charles-Eudore
Boudreault, Cameron Crowe, Luiz Rogerio Pinho de Andrade Lima, Andre Desbiens, Yan Guang
Du, Marc-Denis Everell, Frederic Flament, Thierry Gelpe, Luc Lachance, Chefi Ketata, Daniel
Laguitton, Sami Makni, El Hassan Mazzour, Jacques McMullen, Azar Mirabedini, Eric Poulin,
Eric Plamondon, Simon Rochon-Tremblay, Jules Thibault, and Solange Vaz Coehlo.
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[15] AspenTech: www.aspentech.com
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Artificial Intelligence in Engineering 11(4):357-364
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