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Safety and Security in Transportation Process -
Not Just Technical Issue
Margarita Peltekova
University of Transport, 158 Geo Milev Str., Sofia, Bulgaria
Abstract. Security these days is global in dimension. It covers is-
sues as climate change, health and the fight against terrorism. The
most important components of transportation processes are safety
and security of the process and the most important factor for process
safety/security is a human factor. Major accidents in transportation
process have been attributed to human factor and surprisingly, a hu-
man factor is the most poorly investigated aspect of the transporta-
tion safety/security process. Improving the human factors design of
a process can produce not only improvements in safety, security and
health but also gains in quality and productivity in transportation
process. Human errors are regarded as one of the main causes for
railway accidents these days. In spite of this fact, the consideration
of human error probabilities in quantified risk analyses has been very
rudimentary. A lack of comprehensive data and analyses lead to the
use of estimations and values from other industries. This paper dis-
cusses the transferability of human error probabilities for railways
and identifies problems in handling methods and values for analysis
the security issues concerning any undesirable human behavior and
its influence on safety and security of transportation process. The
Markov model presented is one proposed solution to the problem. It
takes into account both the positive and the negative human impact
of violations.
Keywords: Human Factor, Railway Safety, Railway Security
Railway systems are socio-technical systems. The main requirement for the
railway industry is the RAMS(S) EN 50126 standard. The standard demands
to take care of all the risks related to RAMS requirements and provides guid-
ance and rules on how to mitigate and prevent such risks. For all countries,
the requirement is based on national laws demanding to apply to the RAMS
standard. The RAMS standard EN 50126 and EN 50129 are the two stan-
dards that form the basis for the safety work, and give important information
and requirements for ecient and effective risk management as guaranty for
a safe, secure, and reliable transportation process.
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