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pp∈PPs pp.propagateDecision
This cycle implements the basic steps of conflict detection (1), conflict
solving (2) and dispatching decision propagation (3+4). Components for these
tasks are specified in the following.
Definition 2 ((conflict detection component)). Let dp be a dispatching
plan, t the published timetable and
the domain of (microscopic) conflicts.
Then a conflict decision component CD is a tuple
t, dp,< getConflicts >
where getConflicts
is a method detecting all conflicts of the
current dispatching plan with respect to the reference timetable t .
) →C
Objects of this class perform the evaluation of dispatching plans and the
detection of problems and undesired situations arising due to the train protec-
tion based prognosis. The dispatching plan used for conflict detection should
be practically speaking the current one. The rescheduling or conflict solving
activity is performed by conflict solving components.
Definition 3 ((conflict solving component)). Let dp be a dispatching
plan and
the domain of dispatching decisions. Then a conflict solving com-
ponent CS is a tuple
dp, < getDispatchingDecision >
where getDispatchingDecision
is a method, which de-
termine dispatching decisions for provided conflicts and a specific dispatching
) ×C→D
With the three preceding definitions a quite abstract modeling of dispatch-
ing systems (not even restricted to computer based systems) is introduced.
The major intention of this abstract approach is the separation of functional-
ity and concrete implementation aspects. The approach is open for different
and varying realization alternatives with respect to detected conflicts as well
as to algorithms and approaches chosen for modifying dispatching plans.
Finally the missing functionality, the propagation of dispatching decision,
is specified in a similar generic way. While the propagation targeting the
real operation strongly depend on framework conditions of existing control
systems, the dispatching plan of the dispatching system has to consider the
dispatching decision in any way.
Definition 4. (dispatching propagation component) A dispatching propaga-
tion component PP is a tuple
< propagateDecision >
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