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located routes, these information might be integrated within the trajectories
to support dispatching components to find good solutions. Delay detection
can be performed by these components as well, because delays are considered
train wise.
With respect to parallelism the detection of conflicts is an algorithmic
bottleneck, because the conflict detection has to synchronies all train trajec-
tories to detect occupation overlaps. Also the detection of vehicle circulation,
connecting train links etc. requires the association of several trajectories.
Therefore parallel conflict detection requires advanced and complex process-
ing and synchronization mechanisms, but nevertheless with approaches like
regional division of dispatching areas [5] the conflict detection can be sched-
uled in parallel, too.
Modeling Dispatching Systems
Starting from the introduced system architecture point of view, this chapter
presents a formal specification for (microscopic) dispatching systems. Refer-
ring to the introduction, a published timetable tt orig =
dp 0 must be available
as a reference point for dispatching. Within the dispatching and rescheduling
operation dp i is transformed into another plan dp i +1 , called the dispatching
plan. The dispatching plan with the greatest index is the current and valid
one. The domain of an object o is denoted as Dom
Definition 1 ((dispatching system)). Let execute
void be a
function without parameters and return values. Then
CDs, CSs, dp,PPs, < execute >
is a dispatching system with a non-empty set CDs
= {
cd 1 ,
,cd m }
( m
of conflict detection objects (definition 2),
a non-empty set CSs
= {
cs 1 ,
,cs n }
( n
) of conflict solving objects (def-
inition 3), a dispatching plan dp , a probably empty set PPs
= {
pp 1 ,
,pp p }
( p
0 ) of dispatching propagation objects and the execute -method.
The conflict detection -objects implement the conflict detection function-
ality applied to dp . These objects return a set of detected conflicts, which
have to be solved by conflict solving -objects, which perform the reschedul-
ing and dispatching activities. These conflict solving objects return a set of
dispatching decisions, which are propagated through dispatching -objects and
applied to the current dispatching plan.
The execute -method performs the cyclic train detection and dispatching
activities performing the internal dispatching process cycle:
w hile not terminated do {
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