Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
The nearest food service and general store are at Lake Village, about 2 miles (3 km) north.
For more groceries, gasoline, and self-service laundry, continue to Fishing Bridge, another 2
miles beyond the Lake Village turnoff. (See pages 168-69 for these facilities.)
Unmarked side road for fishing access or strolling along the lake. No picnic tables.
19.0/1.6 Entrance to Lake Village.
Lake Village has the oldest and most beautifully situated hotel in the park and serves visitors
with its many other practical facilities, including a clinic (with an emergency heliport), a gen-
eral store, post office, lodge, and cabins.
Lake Village
After the turn onto the Lake Village side road, the first right turn leads toward
the shore. If you turn right again of this side road, you'll find the clinic. West of the clinic
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