Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
16. President's DNA Initiative Advancing Justice Through DNA Technology.
[accessed July 2010].
17. Watch, H.R. (2009) Testing Justice - The Rape Kit Backlog in Los Angeles City and County ,
Human Rights Watch, New York.
18. Williams, R. and Johnson, P. (2005) Forensic DNA Databasing: a European Perspective. Avail-
able at:
(accessed 19 April 2010).
19. Schneider, P.M. and Martin, P.D. (2001) Criminal DNA databases: the European situation.
Forensic Science International , 119 , 232 - 238.
20. Gill, P., Fereday, L., Morling, N. and Schneider, P.M. (2006) The evolution of DNA
databases - recommendations for new European STR loci. Forensic Science International ,
156 , 242 - 244.
21. Schneider, P. (2009) Expansion of the European Standard Set of DNA database loci - the
current situation. Profiles in DNA , 12 , 6-7.
22. Deutsche Welle (2010) Minister pushes for EU-wide DNA data sharing to fight crime.,,2311468,00.html.
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