Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
Further reading
Williams, R. and Johnson, P. (2008) Genetic Policing: The Use of DNA in Criminal Investigations ,
Willan Publishing, London.
WWW resources
Interpol (DNA front page):
Federal Bureau of Investigation (CODIS Information):
National Police Improvement Agency (National DNA Database (UK)):
Association of Chief Police Officers of England, Wales and Northern Ireland: (National DNA
Database report):
GeneWatch UK:
1. INTERPOL (2008) INTERPOL Global DNA Profiling Survey 2008 Key Facts (Public Ver-
sion), INTERPOL, Lyon.
2. Werrett, D.J. (1997) The national DNA database. Forensic Science International , 88 , 33 - 42.
3. Information Commissioner's Office (2009) The Information Commissioner's Response to the
Home Office Consultation Paper on the Retention, Use and Destruction of DNA Data and
Fingerprints, Information Commissioner's Office, London.
4. Home Office (2009) Keeping the Right People on the DNA Database, Home Office, London.
5. Human Genetics Commission (2009) Nothing to Hide, Nothing to Fear? Department of Health,
6. Baechtel, F.S., Monson, K.L., Forsen, G.E., Budowle, B. and Kearney, J.J. (1991) Tracking the
violent criminal offender through DNA typing profiles - a national database system concept,
in DNA Fingerprinting: Approaches and Applications (eds T. Burke et al .), Birkhauser Verlag,
pp. 356 - 360.
7. Staley, K. (2005) The Police National DNA Database: Balancing Crime Detection, Human
Rights and Privacy , GeneWatch, Buxton.
8. National Policing Improvement Agency (2009) National DNA Database Annual Report
2007 -2009.
9. Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (2006) The National DNA Database, Parlia-
mentary Office of Science and Technology, London.
10. Curran, J.M. and Buckleton, J.S. (2008) Effectiveness of familial searches. Science and Justice ,
48 , 164 - 167.
11. Greely, H.T., Riordan, D.P., Garrison, N.A. and Mountain, J.L. (2006) Family ties: the use
of DNA offender databases to catch offenders' kin. Journal of Law Medicine and Ethics , 34 ,
248 - 262.
12. Reid, T.M., Baird, M.L., Reid, J.P., Lee, S.C. and Lee, R.F. (2008) Use of sibling pairs to
determine the familial searching efficiency of forensic databases. Forensic Science International
Genet , 2 , 340 - 342.
13. Bieber, F.R., Brenner, C.H. and Lazer, D. (2006) Human genetics
- finding criminals through
DNA of their relatives. Science , 312 , 1315 - 1316.
14. Hicks, T., Taroni, F., Curran, J., Buckleton, J., Castella, V. and Ribaux, O. Use of DNA
profiles for investigation using a simulated national DNA database: Part II. Statistical and
ethical considerations on familial searching. Forensic Science international. Genetics 2010
Jan 14. [Epub ahead of print].
15. Harbison, S.A., Hamilton, J.F. and Walsh, S.J. (2001) The New Zealand DNA databank: its
development and significance as a crime solving tool. Science and Justice , 41 , 33 - 37.
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