Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Select and multi-select filter behaviors
Some filters allow more than one member to be selected, making user-defined ranges possible, as
when the first six members of the level corresponding to months are selected in the date filter, creat-
ing a range of the first-half of the year. Filters that allow multiple selections are called multi-select fil-
ters and have check boxes to the left of each member (see Figure 16-13).
Figure 16-13: Higher-level selections override lower-level selections.
Multi-select filters differ from single-select in that multiple “buckets” can be selected, which provides
greater flexibility for end users to query needed data. However, multi-select filters can be more diffi-
cult to navigate:
A user can't clear a selection. There is no Clear All button, which can cause difficulties when
trying to clear selections that have been made several levels deep in a multilevel hierarchy.
A top-most ancestor overrides all other choices. If a member is selected, but its parent or
ancestor is also selected, the top-most ancestor overrides all, as shown in Figure 16-13,
where CY 2007 overrides the selections that were made at lower levels of the hierarchy.
The override also applies to the All member, which should be cleared if specific members below it are
Ad hoc filters
PerformancePoint dashboards are enabled for multidimensional analysis. In a given view, dimensions
are preconfigured to be located in either the rows, columns, or filter area. However, dimensions can
be moved around, and new dimensions can be added based on user interactions.
For example, right-click a member of the Date dimension and select Drill Down By Dimension
Location. The Date dimension moves to the filter area (with the member that you right-clicked
already selected), and the Location dimension moves to the view where the Date dimension was
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