Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Advanced SQL Concepts
Now that we've covered the basics, we review some of the more advanced functions in SQL, includ-
ing data manipulation statements.
The Union operator
As the name implies, the Union operator allows you to combine the result set of two Select statements
into one output. There are two variations on this operator: Union and Union All . The difference between
the two is that Union returns a distinct output of the result set. Here's how to use the Union All operator:
Select 'First Row'
Union All
Select 'Second Row'
Union All
Select 'Third Row'
The Select statements with Union or Union All operators can include all the options available
to regular Select statements. The only restriction is that the result set in each Select statement
must have the same structure.
Case expression
The Case expression is referred to as a Scalar function in SQL. There are several other useful functions
in this category and they all follow a similar concept — they are applied on a single value in your result set
(or the data you are querying) to manipulate that value. Here's the basic structure of a Case expression:
When <condition>
Then <output>
Else <output>
You can use the Case expression in the Select statement in various places, including the columns
list, the join, or the Where clause. This query changes the values of AccountType from Balances
to Balance and leaves all other values the same.
Select Case
When AccountType='Balances'
Then 'Balance'
Else AccountType
End ModifiedAccountType
From dbo.DimAccount
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