Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 7-7: The final table after grouping shows that Maryland has nine radio stations dedicated to sports.
Understanding query steps
With a few clicks, you searched the Internet, found some base data, and manipulated that data to suit
your needs. This is what Power Query is all about — it enables you to easily pull, filter, and reshape
data without the need for any programmatic coding skills. Power Query does all the legwork using its
own formula language (also known as M language). Each action you take when working with Power
Query results in a line of code that is written into a query step. Query steps are embedded M code
that allow your actions to be repeated each time you refresh your Power Query data. The query steps
are listed in the Applied Steps section of the Query Settings pane (see Figure 7-8). Each query step
represents an action you took to get to a final data table.
Figure 7-8: Check out query steps in the Applied Steps section of the Query Settings pane.
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