Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Start re-queening your hives if spring is your re-queening season. Check for
queen cups and cells and signs of swarming. The swarming season varies a
great deal so don't be taken by surprise.
Super up hives if necessary. Certainly put at least one super on and keep a
close eye on the situation.
Commence swarm-prevention manipulations, such as reversing hive bodies.
Carry out your inspections at regular intervals of around a week to ten
Keep up with the honey supers.
Extract spring honey, if required
Maintain vigilance for signs of swarming.
Keep up with swarm-prevention or swarm-control measures.
Extract the main harvest.
Commence queen rearing for autumn queens, if that is when you re-queen.
Split hives for re-queening.
Move hives to winter sites, if necessary.
Start preparing your hives for the winter.
September-October/ April-May
Winter down the hives after a thorough inspection.
Prepare the hives according to the advice given in this chapter.
Store surplus frames and comb after treating them for wax moth.
Use the winter for wax rendering, for making new boxes and frames, etc.
Repair old, damaged equipment
Keep an eye on the hives to make sure there is no animal, flood or snow
Go on holiday to get away from it all.
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