Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Check there is no disease (the likely one would be nosema (see Chapter 10), which
can strike at this time). If there are no signs of nosema but the colony fails to develop
normally, then suspect this. Inspect the stores of both honey and pollen. If necessary,
give a frame feeder of syrup. Beware of robbing and, if this occurs, try to put a stop to
it immediately.
Providing your bees with pollen
The need for pollen in the early spring is something many beekeepers don't seem to
understand. In fact, the whole subject of pollen is often only vaguely thought about
by many beekeepers, but it shouldn't be. Many are satisfied if their bees have plenty
of honey or syrup, but plenty of pollen is vital for healthy brood development and,
without it, a colony may fail to build up and may dwindle. Many beekeepers ascribe this
to nosema and so miss the fact that the real culprit is a pollen shortage.
If there is insufficient early pollen then a pollen substitute should be given (a recipe for
this is given above). Feed your bees according to the instructions given above. In Europe
there are usually early pollen sources, such as willow or rock roses, but this may not
always be the case, so keep an eye on the situation. Pollen is vital for a colony's build-up.
Don't forget this.
Anticipating swarming
Once you are sure the colony is healthy and fit and developing nicely, just make sure the
woodwork is sound, that the hive is not damp and that the floor is clean - and you will
be all set again for the swarming season.
At this time of the year your bees are probably preparing to swarm, so you should carry
out all the swarm-prevention measures outlined in Chapter 6. But swarms will also be
emerging from other beekeepers' hives. The scouts from these potential swarms will be
looking for new homes and, if you want to increase your hive numbers without any real
effort, now is the time to set up bait hives. I always set up some of these and so usually
benefit from some new blood in my apiaries.
Setting up swarm traps and swarm baiting
A swarm trap can be made as follows:
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