Agriculture Reference
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liquids (which go under various trade names) can be purchased from any bee-supply
outfit. By placing the board over the top of the frames in the top box, the bees will move
rapidly downwards. It is a good idea, however, to smoke the bees to start them moving
before you use the board.
These boards and the liquids must be used as directed. If you overdo it by using
too much liquid or by keeping the boards on too long, the bees become thoroughly
confused and cling on to the comb, making it even more difficult to dislodge them. If
used correctly, the bees will move rapidly down into the next super. After a few minutes
you should check that the vast majority of bees have moved down. If so, then remove
the super and place the fume board over the next super down so that you gradually
move down the hive. In a large apiary, if you employ several fume boards, moving from
one to another, you can clear several hives at a time and so complete the task in short
It is important that the fumes move downwards into the supers, and so there is now a
device that sits on top of the fume board over a hole. This swivels with the wind, and its
aim is to direct air into the fume board and thus to blow the fumes downwards. I have
found that, if fume boards are used correctly, these are not necessary.
Before using the boards, any holes you have made in the honey super boxes so that it is
easier for the bees to fly straight into the supers will need to be blocked up. If you have
staggered the supers for the same reason, they will have to be put back together properly
so that the bees cannot enter them.
Brushing bees off the frames
Bee brushes
Many hobbyists who have only a few hives use a bee brush to brush the bees off the
frames one by one. This is not a bad idea for a few hives, but bee brushes usually become
clogged with honey very quickly and I have found that, however gently you brush the
bees, they soon become defensive.
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