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Ta b l e 2 . 4 . SPV Solution Representation
x j
v j
s j
π j
F (π)
d 8 , 4
d 4 , 18
d 18 , 11
d 11 , 8
V 3 , while the fourth node occupies the third position in V 4 . Extracting these labels show
that the nodes are
finally, with respect to the random key values ( s j ), the smallest position value (SPV)
rule is applied to the random key vector by arranging the values in a non-descending
4 , 8 , 11 , 18
The random key values are
0 . 23 ,
0 . 07 , 0 . 80 , 0 . 76
0 . 07 , 0 . 23 , 0 . 76 , 0 . 08
to determine the tour
π {
8 , 4 , 18 , 11
. Using equation
2.17, the total tour length is then obtained as
j =1 d π j π j +1 + d π m π 1 = d 8 , 4 + d 4 , 18 + d 18 , 11 + d 11 , 8
In this approach, a problem may rise such that when the DE update equations are
applied, any parameter value might be outside of the initial search range, which is re-
stricted to the size of each cluster. Let x min [ j ] and x max [ j ] represent the minimum and
maximum value of each parameter value for dimension j . Then they stand for the mini-
mum and maximum cluster sizes of each dimension j . Regarding the initial population,
each parameter value for the set V j is drawn uniformly from [
F (
V j + 1 , V j + 1].Obvi-
ously, x max [ j ] is restricted to [ V j + 1], whereas x min [ j ] is restricted to
x max [ j ].During
the reproduction of the DE, when any parameter value is outside of the cluster size, it
is randomly reassigned to the corresponding cluster size again.
Discrete/Binary Approach
Tasgetiren et al. present for the first time in this chapter, the application of the DDE
algorithm to the GTSP. They construct a unique solution representation including both
cluster and tour information is presented, which handles the GTSP properly when car-
rying out the DDE operations. The Population individuals can be constructed in such
a way that first a permutation of clusters is determined randomly, and then since each
cluster contains one or more nodes, a tour is established by randomly choosing a single
node from each corresponding cluster. For example, n j stands for the cluster in the j th
dimension, whereas
j represents the node to be visited from the cluster n j .
Now, consider a GTSP instance with N =
1 ,.., 25
where the clusters are n 1 =
1 ,.., 5
, n 2 =
6 ,.., 10
, n 3 =
11 ,.., 15
, n 4 =
16 ,.., 20
and n 5 =
21 ,.., 25
Table 2.5 shows the discrete/binary solution representation of the DDE for the GTSP.
A permutation of clusters is determined randomly as
the first node is randomly chosen from the fourth cluster (here 16 is randomly chosen);
the second node is randomly chosen from the first cluster (here 5 is randomly chosen);
4 , 1 , 5 , 2 , 3
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