Information Technology Reference
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c 3
c 3
c 3
c 2
c 2
c 2
c 4
c 4
c 4
c 5
c 5
c 5
c 1
c 1
c 1
A 1
A 2
1, 2 = A 1 A 2
Fig. 2.9. Graphical interpretations of A 1 , A 2 and the difference matrix Δ ij
instance of four cities that define a tour such that these are initially generated by DE as
x 1 , f = {
0 . 50 . 80 . 20 . 6
. Another instance of such four cities could simple be simply
defined as x 2 , f =
0 . 60 . 10 . 30 . 4
. In relative indexing, these instances encode per-
mutations given as x 1 =
respectively. In the first case
for example the lowest value which is 0.2 is in the third position so it is allocated a label
of 1; the next higher value is 0.5 which occupies the first position and it is allocated the
label 2 and so on. Let there be a third instance denoted as x 3 , f =
24 1 3
and x 2 =
0 . 60 . 80 . 30 . 5
Then we have x 3 =
341 2
. The concept is fairly simple. The subscript f indicates
floating point.
The basic idea behind DE is that two vectors define a difference that can then be
added to another vector as a mutation. The same idea transfers directly to the realm
of permutations, or the permutation group. Just as two vectors in real space define a
difference vector that is also a vector, two permutations define a mapping that is also
a permutation. Therefore, when mutation is applied to with F = 0.5, the floating-point
mutant vector, v f ,is
v f = x r 3 , f + F x r 1 , f
x r 2 , f
0 . 60 . 80 . 30 . 5
+ 0 . 5
0 . 10 . 7
0 . 10 . 2
0 . 55 1 . 15 0 . 25 0 . 6
The floating-point mutant vector, v f , is then transformed back into the integer do-
main by assigning the smallest floating value (0.25) to the smallest integer (1), the
next highest floating value (0.55) to the next highest integer (2), and so on to ob-
tain v =
. [10] noted that this backward transformation, or “relative position
indexing”, always yields a valid tour except in the unlikely event that two or more
24 1 3
point values are the same. When such an event occurs, the trial vector must be
either discarded or repaired.
Forward/Backward Transformation Approach
The forward/backward transformation approach is the idea of [6], and is generally re-
ferred to as Onwubolu s approach [10]. There are two steps involved:
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