Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Spatial database
Quantum GIS
Additional GIS data :
e.g DTM, field shapes,
SLE Exporter Plug-In
Project xml file +
Formated data
Textures and
3D objects
(plants, trees,
houses, etc)
Project configuration file
Camera bookmarks file
Video path bookmarks file
Real-time rendering
Fig. 6.6 The SLE diagram. The results from the bio-economic farm model drive the land-use
Data are cropped, fused and formatted to be visualized. An xml project file with
geo-reference and land-use information is also written.
SLE is then launched and the user can edit the geo-typical configuration (texture
and vegetation) for each land-use class. In practice, the land-use geo-typical parameters
consist of the following items:
A tileable texture representing typical ground cover. This is used to build the
texture that is draped over the terrain when rendering. A number of examples are
shown in Fig. 6. 7
A list of possible objects in the land use type defined by the following parameters:
The type of 3D objects: it is possible also to define objects like rocks, as long
as they have a natural distribution.
The type of spatialization: the object's distribution over the terrain can be
done randomly or by rows.
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