Environmental Engineering Reference
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application to the broad variation of farming systems inside and outside the EU.
The modular setup provides the possibilities to activate and de-activate modules
depending on regions and conditions, to consider different types of policy instru-
ments (subsidies, regulation, taxes, etc.) and to choose different methodological
approaches, that are consistent with the data availability for a specific application.
This includes different approaches concerning the representation of risk, different
calibration approaches and different representations of agricultural activities.
FSSIM targets to be applied by different types of users such as (i) researchers with
the purpose of testing different approaches; (ii) policy experts having the purpose
of making ex-ante assessment of policies; and (iii) other stakeholder groups with
the purpose to anticipate the effect of new policies.
Alterra & INRA. (2005). New soil information for CGMS (Crop Growth Monitoring System)
(SINFO). In Alterra - INRA (pp. 219-260). Wageningen: Author.
Andersen, E., Elbersen, B., Godeschalk, F., & Verhoog, D. (2007). Farm management indicators
and farm typologies as a basis for assessment in a changing policy environment. Journal of
Environmental Management, 82 , 353-362.
Antoniou, G., & van Harmelen, F. (2004). A semantic web primer . Cambridge, MA/London:
MIT Press.
Deybe, D., & Flichman, G. (1991). A regional agricultural model using a plant growth simulation
program as activities generator. Agricultural Systems, 37 , 369-385.
Dogliotti, S., Rossing, W. A. H., & van Ittersum, M. K. (2003). ROTAT, a tool for systematically
generating crop rotations. European Journal of Agronomy, 19 , 239-250.
Eurostat. (2007). Office statistique des Communautés européennes, juin 2007 .
Falconer, K., & Hodge, I. (2000). Using economic incentives for pesticide usage reductions:
Responsiveness to input taxation and agricultural systems. Agricultural Systems, 63 , 175-194.
G20. (2005). G20 proposal on market access - October 12, 2005 , from http://www.g-20.mre.gov.
Hazell, P. B. R., & Norton, R. D. (1986). Mathematical programing for economic analysis in
agriculture (p. 400). New York: Macmillan.
Heckelei, T., & Wolff, H. (2003). Estimation of constrained optimisation models for agricultural
supply analysis based on generalised maximum entropy. European Review of Agricultural
Economics, 30 (1), 27-50.
Hengsdijk, H., & van Ittersum, M. K. (2002). A goal-oriented approach to identify and engineer
land use systems. Agricultural Systems, 71 , 231-247.
Howitt, R. E. (1995). A calibration method for agricultural economic production models. Journal
of Agricultural Economics, 46 (2), 147-159.
Janssen, S., Andersen, E., Athanasiadis, I., & Van Ittersum, M.K. (2009). A database for integrated
assessment of European agricultural systems. Environmental Science and Policy, 12(5) , 573-587.
Janssen, S., & Van Ittersum, M. K. (2007). Assessing farm innovations and responses to policies:
A review of bio-economic farm models. Agricultural Systems, 94 , 622-636.
Kanellopoulos, A., Berentsen, P.B.M., Heckelei, T., Van Ittersum, M.K., Oude Lansink,
A.G.J.M. (2010). Assessing the forecasting performance of a generic bio-economic farm
model calibrated with two different PMP variants. Journal of Agricultural Economics, under
review .
Kruseman, G., & Bade, J. (1998). Agrarian policies for sustainable land use: Bio-economic
modelling to assess the effectiveness of policy instruments. Agricultural Systems, 58 ,
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