Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Framework Application
Framework Component
Framework Independent Component
Fig. 4.7 Linkage of a generic component via the Adapter pattern in APES applications using
Data Exchange Between Components
Data are exchanged at a time step of 1 day, but within each time step components can
communicate up to three times. Within a time step, components can communicate, for
instance to meet supply and demand computed by two different components, thus
allowing estimation of actual rates besides the potential ones which do not need to
match supply (e.g. for water and nitrogen). The multiple calls within the time step also
permit arbitration of a source between two or more sinks. Details are provided in
the MODCOM documentation. The fine granularity, strategy-based discretization of
models has been shown to be adequate for accommodating multiple calls for different
purposes within a time step, and allowing each component to be developed
without any dependency on other components or on the modelling framework itself.
The APES Stand-Alone Application
The APES stand-alone application allows different instances of the modelling
engine to be run using the following conventions:
APES modelling solutions using alternative components (e.g. SoilWater or
SoilWater2) are kept separate and can be loaded by the user.
Once an APES modelling solution is loaded, a user interface page is dynamically
built allowing modelling options to be set within components (e.g. potential
growth or water limited growth options in the Crop component; the curve number
or the kinematic wave approach for runoff).
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