Travel Reference
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2 Flatiron Building
Designed by Daniel Burnham and built in 1902, the 20-story Flatiron Building features a
uniquely narrow triangular footprint that resembles the prow of a massive ship. It also fea-
tures a traditional beaux arts limestone and terracotta facade that gets more complex and
beautiful the longer you stare at it. Best viewed from the traffic island north of 23rd St
between Broadway and Fifth Ave, the structure dominated the plaza back in the sky-
scraper era of the early 1900s. Indeed, until 1909 it was the world's tallest building. (Broad-
way cnr Fifth Ave & 23rd St;
N/R, F/M, 6 to 23rd St)
The Immortal Flatiron
The construction of the Flatiron Building (originally known as the Fuller Building) coincided with the prolifera-
tion of mass-produced picture postcards - the partnership was kismet. Even before its completion, there were
images of the soon-to-be tallest tower circulating the globe, creating much wonder and excitement.
Publisher Frank Munsey was one of the building's first tenants. From his 18th-floor offices, he published
Munsey's Magazine, which featured the writings of short-story writer William Sydney Porter, whose pen name
was 'O Henry.' His musings, the paintings of John Sloan and the photographs of Alfred Stieglitz best immortal-
ized the Flatiron back in the day - along with a famous comment by actress Katharine Hepburn, who said in an
interview that she'd like to be admired as much as the grand old building.
The ground floor of the building's 'prow' is now a glassed-in art space showcasing the work of guest artists.
In 2013, the space featured a life-sized 3D-cutout replica of Edward Hopper's 1942 painting Nighthawks, its an-
gular diner remarkably similar to the Flatiron's distinctive shape.
3 Madison Square Park
This park defined the northern reaches of Manhattan until the island's population ex-
ploded after the Civil War. These days, it's a much-welcome oasis from Manhattan's re-
lentless pace, with locals unleashing their dogs in the popular dog-run area, children
squealing giddily at the impressive playground and the hungry lining up at on-site burger
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