Environmental Engineering Reference
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Figure 2.22 Effect of temperature and hydrogen ion concentration on anodic polariza-
tion of an active-passive metal.
situation marked by D, beyond which the rate assumes a steady value. In
contrast, for an active-passive metal, an increase in i L up to i cr increases
the corrosion rate and beyond i cr the corrosion rate falls drastically, as the
intersection of the cathodic polarization curve with the anodic polarization
curve takes place only in the passive region (Fig. 2.23).
Addition of oxidizers . The effect of addition of oxidizing agents such as fer-
ric, cupric, or chromate ions in the electrolyte on the corrosion behavior of
active-passive metals has been illustrated in Fig. 2.24. Additions of increas-
ing amounts of oxidizer shifts the reversible electrode potential in more posi-
tive direction in accordance with the Nernst equation:
a oxid
a red
E 0
For the sake of simplicity, it has been assumed that the exchange current
density of the redox system and the Tafel slope remain unchanged. The ca-
thodic polarization curves shift progressively upward and in the case of a
normal metal an increase in corrosion rate is encountered. In the case of an
active-passive metal, however, the corrosion rate increases initially, de-
creases drastically as the cathodic polarization curves intersect the anodic
polarization curve in the passive region, and increases again if the intersec-
tion takes place in the transpassive region.
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