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get a pedal perspective
You don't find a place on a map, you find it in the hearts of the people that
live there.
—Linda Forward, rider on Global Exchange Bike-Aid trips
83 | There are hundreds, maybe thousands, of companies that offer bike trips. If you're just
looking for a bike tour, you can Google “cycling vacations” and quickly get a list of many op-
But this entry focuses on some bike trips with a different twist—ones where you get all
the usual benefits (fresh air, exercise, beautiful landscapes), but, more than that, you get the
chance to make a difference in the world. Global Exchange, an innovative nonprofit in San
Francisco that works for peace and justice, offers Bike-Aid trips, where you ride bikes for a
cause. Along the route, some that crisscross the entire country, you'll meet with grassroots or-
ganizations, put in some elbow grease helping these community groups build a food shelter or
restore topsoil, and share your own views on how we can build better communities.
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