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Combining or fusioning each face of the cloud points to obtain a single set of
cloud points for the total object
Task name: Fusion Session
Description: All the range-maps, with a uniform coordinate system, are com-
bined to produce a 3D model of the object. In addition any redundant data is
eliminated, so that each laser point appears only once and represents one point
of the surface of the original cultural heritage object. Before this task all the
range-maps represent a collection of different surfaces that may also overlap
rather than form a single solid.
Software: MeshLab
Input digital items: the geometrically corrected set of PLY files and a ALN File
Output digital items: a single PLY file that represents the overall 3D model
Task information:
total amount of range-map used: 11 range-maps
precision: 0.25 mm
time needed for the overall fusion task: 15 min
Data capture for texture (obtaining digital images for each side/face of the
cultural heritage object)
Task name: Texture Capture
Description: A series of 8 digital images
Hardware: Canon EOS 350D (digital camera) [ 214 ]
Software: none
Input: original cultural heritage object
Input digital items: none
Output digital items: a series of 8 JPG images
Task information:
total amount of digital images used: 8
precision: 72 dpi (resolution)
time needed for the overall texture capture task: 10 min
photo shoot distance: between 0.4 and 1.0 m
Merging or aligning texture with 3D model
Task name: Texture Alignment
Description: this task is aimed at geometrically registering the digital images
with the 3D PLY. The process requires human intervention where the user
identifies control points on the JPG images and their corresponding matching
point on the PLY file.
Software: TexAlign [ 215 ], an application developed by the CNR
Input digital items: 8 JPG images
Output digital items: A new PLY file that has the previous “wire PLY file”
plus the Texture. In addition a XML file describing the alignment of all digital
images with the 3D model is elaborated.
Task information: The task requires human intervention where the user identi-
fies control points on the JPEG images and their corresponding matching point
on the PLY file.
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