Information Technology Reference
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Physical State describes the form of the digital object. It should contain sufficient
information relating to the version, variant, instance and dependencies.
Risks most digital solutions will have inherent risks and a finite lifespan.
Risks such interpretability of information, technical dependencies or loss des-
ignated community skill. Risks should be recorded against the appropriate
object so they can be monitored and the implication of them being realised
Termination of network occurs when a user requires no additional information
or assistance to achieve, the defined preservation objective given the accepted
risks will not be imminently realised.
Relationship captures how two objects are related to one another in order to
fulfil the specified preservation objective whilst being utilized by a member of
the designated user community.
Function , in order to satisfy the preservation objective a digital object will per-
form a specific function for example the delivery of textual information or the
extraction and graphical visualisation of specific parameters
Tolerance, not every function is critical for the fulfilment of the preservation
objective with some digital objects included as they enhance the quality of the
solution or ease of use. The loss of this function is denoted in the model as a
Quality assurance and testing, The ability of an object to perform the specified
function may have been subjected to quality assurance and testing which may be
recorded against the relationship.
Alternate and Composite relationships can be thought of as logical “And”
(denoted in diagrams by circle) or “Or” (denoted in diagrams by diamond)
relationships. Where either all relationships must function in order to fulfil the
required objective or in the case of the later only one relationship needs to
function in order to fulfil the specified objective. Quality Assurance and Testing of MST Simple Solution Overall All Solution Validated By
Curation Manager at the British Atmospheric Data Centre and the NERC Earth
Observation Data Centre. His role is to oversee the operations of the data centres
ensuring that they are trusted repositories that deliver data efficiently to users. He
has a particular interest in data publication issues. He is also the facility manager
for the NERC MST radar facility.
NERC MST radar facility project scientist and is part of the committee for the
MST radar international workshop. The international workshop on MST radar, held
about every 2-3 years, is a major event gathering together experts from all over
the world, engaged in research and development of radar techniques to study the
mesosphere, stratosphere, troposphere (MST).
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