Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
PACK has the following responsibilities:
Construct Information Packages - allows the construction
of SIP/AIP/DIP, Supporting extraction of Information
from CASPAR Representation Information Registry
Component description
Unpackage Information Packages - allows unpackaging
of SIP/AIP/DIP into component Information Objects
Validation of XFDU Information Packages - Validate an
XFDU against the XFDU XML schema
Supports a Storage Handler interface which is
implemented with IBMs Preservation DataStores, the
storage handler provides submission of an IP to the PDS,
allows accessing Information Objects within the PDS
and supports operations such as transformations on
content information objects within the PDS
Component interfaces
packaging0.X.jar - library JAR providing the
PackageManager - required libraries
Component artefacts
Component UML diagram
Packaging interfaces - see Fig. 17.26
Component specification
PACKAGE_-Spec-Ref-v1_5.doc [ 205 ]
Component author
STFC - Science and technology facilities council (UK)
17.10.2 Referencing a RepInfo Network (RIN)
A RIN referenced from an AIP becomes a logical part of it, even though it is physi-
cally separate from that AIP; it is therefore important to discuss how this was applied
in CASPAR. RepInfo within the CASPAR Registry can be referenced in the XFDU
manifest in either of two ways: by referencing the Curation Persistent Identifier
(CPID) of a single RepInfo object directly, or by using a RepInfo Label to reference
a set of RepInfo objects. Either way, the manifest reference provides an entry point
into the RIN and its recursive structure.
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