Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
17.2.1 REG - Representation Information Registry Interfaces
Component name
CASPAR Registry
Component acronym
REG is the component which allows centralised and persistent
storage and retrieval of OAIS Representation Information
(RepInfo) (including Preservation Description Information
(PDI)) in a centralised Registry/Repository. It also contains
maintenance tools for user interaction with the Registry for:-
Manual RepInfo ingest
Creation and maintenance of the XML structures
(RepInfoLabels) which connect related RepInfo in the
Registry into an OAIS network (using the defined
categories Semantic, Structure and Other)
Component description
Other RepInfo maintenance
REG has the following responsibilities
Ingest RepInfo into Registry - with appropriate name,
description and classification
Extract RepInfo from Registry reliably.
Search Registry for RepInfo matching appropriate (wild
carded) criteria (a combination of name, description or
RepInfo Factory
getRepInfoManager() - gets an Ingest/Extract Object
getRegistrySearch() - returns a search Object
getClassificationScheme() - returns the OAIS
classification scheme
Component interfaces
RepInfo Manager
RepInfo - Object encapsulating the classification and
Repository Item
RILabel - Relates RepInfo to other related items
RIGUITool - graphical user interface component
registry-0.2.jar (or later) - the registry API code
RoRI-install.jar - client izPack installer for Registry API,
GUI Tool and freebXML (including Java docs)
Component artefacts
omar.war and supporting files - server side setup files
Component UML
REG Interfaces - see Fig. 17.6
Component specification
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