Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
UNICAR help for NetCDF file format, a set of software libraries to support the
creation and access of NetCDF files
BADC help for NetCDF files, information compiled by the BADC about its
NetCDF holdings
MST radar directory structure, a description of the directory structure and file
naming conventions of NetCDF files held by the BADC
MST website, the MST project website, archived into a zip file
Climate Forecast standard names list, a description of the climate forecast
standard parameters found within the NetCDF MST data files
NetCDF tutorial for developers, a collection of software libraries for working
with the NetCDF file formats in various computer languages like Java and C++
Second level dependencies can be expanded out and downloaded from the reg-
istry. The second level dependencies act as RepInfo for the 1 st level dependencies
and so on as the network is traversed. The Representation Information network
shown is an implementation of the MST modelled network described earlier in this
14.12 Summary
This chapter has explained the concept of the Representation Information Network
using a number of preservation and curation scenarios based around scientific data
sets held in archives by the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC). It
has described an approach to planning and producing a strategy for developing a
preservation solution and detailed a preservation network modelling process allow-
ing one to determine the scope and complexity of the Representation Information
Network and allowing one to further facilitate cost benefit analysis on implementing
a preservation solution. We believe that the preservation network modelling process
described supports and facilitates the long term preservation of scientific data by
providing a sharable, stable and organized structure for digital objects and their
associated requirements. This approach permits the management of risk and pro-
motes the reuse of solutions allowing the cost of digital preservation to be shared
across communities.
Further to this we have discussed an implementation of a preservation net-
work model using a combination of Information Packaging and Representation
Information registry applications to connect the preserved data to its RIN.
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