Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
245 . Raymond Strikas, Gregory Wallace, and Martin Myers, “Influenza Pandemic Preparedness Action Plan for
the United States: 2002 Update,” CUD 35 Vaccines (1 September 2002), p. 591.
246 . Institute of Medicine, Committee on Assuring the Health of the Public in the 21st Century, The Future of
the Public's Health in the 21st Century (Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 2003), pp. 97-99.
247 . Debora MacKenzie, “Anthrax Attack Bug 'Identical' to Army Strain,” New Scientist, 9 May 2002.
248 . Robert Webster and Elizabeth Walker, “Influenza,” American Scientist (March-April 2003).
249 . Graeme Laver and Robert Webster, “Introduction,” Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. , 356 B (2001): p. 1814. This
message is repeated in Graeme Laver and Elspeth Garman, “The Origin and Control of Pandemic Influenza,” Science
293 (7 September 2001); Robert Webster and Elizabeth Walker, “Influenza, American Scientist (March-April 2003);
and Richard Webby and Robert Webster, “Are We Ready for Pandemic Influenza?” Science 302 (28 November 2003).
250 . Edward Richards, “Bioterrorism and the Use of Fear in Public Health,” at .
251 . U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, “Opening Statement by Tommy Thompson, Secretary . . . on
Project Bioshield,” House Select Commission on Homeland Security, 27 March 2003.
252 . Merrill Goozner, “Bioterror Brain Drain,” American Prospect , 1 October 2003.
253 . Scott Shane, “Exposure at Germ Lab Reignites a Public Health Debate,” New York Times, 24 January 2005.
254 . Quoted in Patrick Martin, “US Health Care Workers Spurn Bush Smallpox Vaccination Plan,” World So-
cialist Website (1 March 2003), .
255 . Marcia Angell, The Truth About the Drug Companies (New York: Random House, 2004), p. 11.
256 . “Drug Makers Find Vaccines Can Be Good for Business,” New York Times, 29 October 2004.
257 . Martin Leeb, “A Shot in the Arm,” Nature 431 (21 October 2004): p. 893.
258 . Greg Critser, “Pharmaceutical Group Chiefs March to Individual Beats,” Los Angeles Times, 20 December
259 . Donald Barlett and James Steele, “The Health of Nations,” New York Times, 24 October 2004, Op-Ed.
260 . Walsh, “Sickness Spreads,” Time (Asia), 11 October 2004.
261 . Michael Rosenwald, “Flu Crisis Sparks Fresh Look at Vaccine Production,” Washington Post, 27 November
262 . Halla Thorsteinsdottir, “Cuba—Innovation through Synergy,” Nature Biotechnology 22 (December 2004):
p. DC19.
263 . Sabin Russell, San Francisco Chronicle, 17 October 2004.
264 . Mark Smolinski, Margaret Hamburg, and Joshua Lederberg (eds.), Microbial Threats to Health: Emergence,
Detection and Response, Institute of Medicine (Washington, DC: National Academies Press, 2003), p. 136.
265 . Trust for America's Health, Ready or Not? Protecting the Public's Health in the Age of Bioterrorism (Wash-
ington, DC: 2004), p. 32.
266 . GAO, Flu Vaccine: Supply Problems Heighten Need to Ensure Access for High-Risk People (Washington,
DC: May 2001); p. 7; and Dr. W. Paul Glezen of Baylor, quoted in New York Times, 17 October 2004.
267 . Geoffrey Porges, quoted in Jonathan Peterson and Denise Gellene, “Flu Vaccine Problems Run Deep,” Los
Angeles Times, 18 November 2004.
268 . Ibid.
269 . Zachary Coile, “Chiron Found Bad Flu Vaccine in July,” San Francisco Chronicle, 18 November 2004; and
David Brown, “U.S. Knew Last Year of Flu Vaccine's Plant's Woes,” Washington Post, 18 November 2004.
270 . Keith Bradsher and Lawrence Altman, “Experts Confront Major Obstacles in Containing Virulent Bird Flu,”
New York Times, 30 September 2004.
271 . DHHS, Draft: Pandemic Influenza Preparedness and Response Plan , August 2004, p. 23.
272 . Editorial, New York Times, 12 October 2004.
273 . Bradsher and Altman, “Experts.”
274 . Dr. William Winkenwerder, covering letter to Department of Defense Pandemic Influenza Preparation and
Response Planning Guidance , office of The Assistant Secretary of Defense, 21 September 2004.
275 . Martin Enserink, “Looking the Pandemic in the Eye,” Science 306 (15 October 2004): p. 394.
276 . ACP/ASIM press release, 15 August 2002; and “IDSA Makes Recommendations to Strengthen Draft Plan,”
Medical News Today, 29 October 2004.
277 . Quoted in CIDRAP News, 15 November 2004.
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