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Algorithm 2.
Function Explore-Select-Rearrange(z, Q)
Z res ← Null
Z′ ← Null
if Corr(z,Q) = indecisive then
for all child node z child of z do
Z′ ← Explore-Select-Rearrange(z child ,Q)
if Z′ Null then
Z res .addChild (Z′)
end if
end forif Z res .NumberofChildren() > 1 then
Z res .BuildIntent()
Z res ←Zres.uniqueChild()
end if
if Corr(z,Q) = exact then
Z res ← z
end if
end ifreturn Z res
groups that share the same (or similar) vocabulary as theirs. In addition, they have to be familiar with
their group's linguistic labels before using them accurately. As a result, this option is not much more
convenient than using ad-hoc linguistic labels predetermined by a domain expert. Moreover, it only
transposes the problem of user-specific summaries maintenance to group-specific ones.
The second alternative, investigated in the following, consists in building only one SAINTETIQ sum-
mary hierarchy using an ad-hoc vocabulary, and querying it with user-specific linguistic labels. Since
the vocabulary of the user's query Q is different from the one in the summaries, we first use a fuzzy set-
based mapping operation to translate predicates of Q from the user-specific vocabulary to the summary
language. It consists in defining an accepting similarity threshold τ to decide whether the mapping of
two fuzzy labels is valid. In other words, the user's label l u is rewritten with a summary label l s if and
only if the similarity of l u to ls ( σ(l u , l s ) ) is greater than or equal to τ . There are many propositions in the
literature for defining σ(l u , l s ) (e.g., degree of satisfiability (Bouchon-Meunier, Rifqi & Bothorel, 1996)).
Then, the ESRA Algorithm is performed using the rewritten version of Q . Finally, results are sorted and
flirted thanks to their similarity degrees to the initial user's query Q .
3.6 Experimental Results
Evaluating and comparing the effectiveness of different approaches that address the Many-Answers
problem in databases is challenging. Unlike Information Retrieval where there exist extensive user
studies and available benchmarks (e.g., the TREC xviii collection), such infrastructures are not available
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