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suburb (su.)} are sets of linguistic labels defined respectively on attributes Price, Size and Location.
Figure 17 shows the summary hierarchy H R provided by SAINTETIQ performed on R .
3.2.2 Expression and Evaluation of Queries
The querying mechanism proposed here intends to evaluate queries such as Q 1 :
Example 3.1 ( Q 1 )
WHERE Location IN { suburb }
AND Size IN { medium OR large }
In the following, we denote by X the set of attributes specified in the user's input query Q and by Y
the set of missing attributes which is the complement of X relatively to R : XY=R and XY=φ . Further, for
each attribute AX , Q A denotes the set of required features defined on attribute A . For instance, given Q 1 ,
we have X ={Location, Size}, Y={Price}, Q Location ={ suburb }, Q Size ={ medium , large }.
Let z.A be the set of descriptors that appear in a summary z on attribute A . When matching z with
a query Q to decide whether it corresponds to that query and can then be considered as a result, three
cases might occur:
a: no correspondence (i.e., A X,z.A Q A = φ ). For one attribute or more, z has no required feature,
i.e., it shows none of the linguistic labels mentioned in query Q .
b: exact correspondence (i.e., A X,z.A Q A ). The summary z matches the query Q semantics. It is
considered as a result.
Figure 17. Summary hierarchy H R of the data set R
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