Database Reference
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Figure 8. Queries and propagations tables in 6P2P. Sample data illustrates instances of tables when a
query is propagated from a peer @P to a peer @P'
a cycle, i.e. @ P' occurs in q 1. qryTrace . discoveryMayBeDone ( q 1, @ P ) is true if the hypothesis of
Theorem 1 does not hold. acceptedPropagation ( q 1, @ P' )$ is true if @ P' accepts the propagation of q 1
with the given parameters.
Algorithm 3 . ( query propagation )
Input : @ P - a current peer; @ P : Peer , @ P : Partners , @ P : Queries , @ P : Propagations
- tables in the peer's @ P database.
Output : New states of tables @ P : Queries and @ P : Propagations , if a partner peer
@ P' accepts the propagation.
q := @ P : Queries ; // a row describing the query thread to be propagated if q.
propagMode = ' P2P ' {
q 1
:= new propagationParametersType ;
// used to prepare propagations to all partners
q 1. propagId
:= new propagId ;
q 1. qryThreadId
:= q.qryThreadId ;
q 1. qryId
:= q.qryId ;
q 1. qryTrace
:= q.qryTrace + @ P ;
// the sequence of visited peers used to avoid cycles
q 1. myPeer
:= @ P ; // the peer where the answer should be returned
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