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Chapter 4
Evaluating Top-k Skyline
Queries Efficiently
Marlene Goncalves
Universidad Simón Bolívar, Venezuela
María Esther Vidal
Universidad Simón Bolívar, Venezuela
Criteria that induce a Skyline naturally represent user's preference conditions useful to discard ir-
relevant data in large datasets. However, in the presence of high-dimensional Skyline spaces, the size
of the Skyline can still be very large. To identify the best k points among the Skyline, the Top-k Skyline
approach has been proposed. This chapter describes existing solutions and proposes to use the TKSI
algorithm for the Top-k Skyline problem. TKSI reduces the search space by computing only a subset of
the Skyline that is required to produce the top-k objects. In addition, the Skyline Frequency Metric is
implemented to discriminate among the Skyline objects those that best meet the multidimensional crite-
ria. This chapter's authors have empirically studied the quality of TKSI, and their experimental results
show the TKSI may be able to speed up the computation of the Top-k Skyline in at least 50% percent
with regard to the state-of-the-art solutions.
Emerging technologies such as Semantic Web, Grid, Semantic Search, Linked Data and Cloud and Peer-
to-Peer computing have become available very large datasets. For example, by the time this paper has
been written at least 21.59 billion pages are indexed by the Web (De Kunder, 2010) and the Cloud of
Linked Data has at least 13,112,409,691 triples (W3C, 2010). The enormous growth in the size of data
has a direct impact on the performance of tasks that are required to process on very large datasets and
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