Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Meristems A growth point or bud that has
the potential to produce a leaf, stem, branch,
root or flower through actively growing cells.
Meristems can be apical (the top of a stem),
axillary (at the side of the stem) or intercalary
(between the roots and the leaves). These
growth points can be stimulated to grow
through pruning.
Scaffold branches Branches arising from a
trunk that support the fruiting and flowering
Self-fertile A plant that will bear fruit
without pollination from another plant.
Soil aggregates Crumbs of soil made up
from the mineral and organic soil particles
that determine soil structure. Stable soil
aggregates are essential for a soil that can
store both air and water, that is neither rock-
hard nor caked sand. Soil aggregates should
remain stable even after heavy rain.
Monocot A flowering plant that originates
from a seed with a single seed leaf, and has
leaves with parallel veining, e.g. corn,
Knifophia and grasses.
Monoecious A plant where separate male
and female flowers are carried on the one
plant, e.g. pumpkins and hazelnuts.
Sports A branch, shoot or flower that is
spontaneously different from the parent
plant. For example, a pink rose may produce
a sport that produces white flowers.
Organic matter Anything that was once
alive or the product of something once alive.
They may be high in nutrients like manures
or blood and bone or high in carbon like
newspapers or straw. A combination of such
materials at a ratio of 25 to 30 parts of carbon
to one part of nitrogen together with water
and oxygen is necessary for successful
Spurs Long lived woody outgrowths that
produce flowers and/or fruit.
Stolons A branch or stem that runs along
the ground and takes root at its nodes or
meristems, e.g. Kikuyu grass and strawberry
Tap root The primary root characteristic of
seedlings that grows straight down into the
soil to stabilise the young plant.
pH test A simple soil test that determines the
pH level of soil, i.e. whether the soil is acid or
alkaline. The pH level will determine to a large
degree what plants are suitable for your soil.
Tendrils A modified plant part that coils
around other plants or supports in order for
the plant to climb.
Rootstocks The roots and lower part of the
trunk on grafted plants that can determine
the vigour, size and disease resistance of the
desired plant (scion wood) that is grafted
onto it.
Vegetative growth Plant growth that is
made up of stems and leaves only - no flowers
or fruit.
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